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Community Change Celebrates Melinda French Gates’ Pivotal Ventures Investment

  • Press Release
  • Organizational Update

Today, Melinda French Gates announced that as the first step in the next chapter of her philanthropy she is committing an additional $1 billion through 2026 to advance women’s power globally. Community Change is thrilled to be one of the organizations to receive funding from Pivotal as part of Melinda French Gates’ commitment to women’s power in the U.S.

“Women–particularly Black women and Latinas–are the innovators that drive social change in our country,” said Community Change Co-President Lorella Praeli. “We must reignite a powerful, multi-racial movement to abolish poverty and achieve economic freedom in the U.S. Unfortunately, too often our voices are silenced and our autonomy is threatened. This investment gets us closer to building the agency and power of women and communities most impacted by poverty.”

“This moment of instability in our democracy and economy calls on us to lean in–and organize–with all we have to ensure that we can build a stronger movement that makes our bold ambitions a reality,” added Community Change Co-President Dorian Warren. “We deeply appreciate Melinda French Gates’ leadership within the philanthropic community to add capacity to our efforts of building an economy that works for all.”


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