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We are an organization of organizers. We bridge the worlds of grassroots organizing and progressive politics with organizers working across the United States and headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Board of Directors

Lorella Praeli

Co-President Community Change

Dorian Warren

Co-President Community Change

Muneer Ahmad

Sol Goldman Clinical Professor of Law and Deputy Dean for Experiential Education, Yale Law School

Arlene Holt Baker

Retired Executive Vice President, AFL-CIO

Roxanne Brown

International Vice President at Large, United Steelworkers

James Cadogan

Executive Director, National Basketball Social Justice Coalition, NBA

Paulina Gonzalez-Brito

Chief Executive Officer, Rise Economy

Christina M. Greer

Professor, Fordham University

Crystal Hayling

Retired Executive Director, The Libra Foundation

Donna Katzin

Founding and Former Executive Director, Shared Interest

Julia Taylor Kennedy

Senior Director, Center for Reproductive Rights

Daniel Lee

Director of Philanthropic Transformation, Solidaire Network

Renay Loper

Clinical Faculty, Bard College, MBA Sustainability

Jamila Michener

Associate Professor, Co-Director, Cornell Center for Health Equity, Cornell University

Kiisha Morrow

Chief People and Culture Officer, Doris Duke Foundation

Judy Patrick

Consultant and Retired CEO, The Women's Foundation of California

Rev. Robin Tanner

Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church

Becky Wasserman

Director of Government Relations, SEIU

Sherece West-Scantlebury

President & CEO, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

Dianne Yamashiro-Omi

Retired Program Manager for Equity & Diversity, California Endowment

Executive Committee

Sherece West-Scantlebury


Vivian Chang

Board Vice Chair

Judy Patrick

Vice Chair and Immediate Past Chair

Julia Taylor Kennedy

Treasurer and Chair, Finance Committee

Becky Wasserman

Secretary and Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee

Roxanne Brown

Chair, Governance Committee

Muneer Ahmad

Chair, Audit Committee

Lorella Praeli

Co-President, Community Change

Dorian Warren

Co-President, Community Change


Dorian Warren



Lorella Praeli



Meet Our Staff


Community Change Action proudly recognizes a staff bargaining unit affiliated with IFPTE Local 70, a union for non-profit workers.