What is Women's Fellowship?
Women’s Fellowship is a 10-month, cohort-based program that builds the leadership of women-identified and non-binary people of color who have personally experienced incarceration or detention and/or of a close loved one.
The fellowship’s goal is to equip the fellows with the tools they need to engage in strategic discussions and partnerships to shape policy decisions and establish how power is attained and wielded at home, work, and their communities by centering healing in the midst of transformative organizing.

Year 1
2020-2021 Fellows

Arisdelci Gonzalez
Living United for a Change in Arizona (LUCHA) / United We Dream

Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes
Vancouver, WA

Genesis Shine
The Freedom BLOC

Laurie Palmer
Portland, OR

Marlené Mercado
The Peoples Revolution for Sacramento

Mia Francis
Independent First Nations

Robin D. Turner
Ohio Organizing Collaborative (OOC)

Rosa Velázquez
Arkansas United

Rosemary Rivera
Citizens Action NY

Shamekia White
Texas Organizing Project (TOP)

Veronica Torres
Puente Human Impact

Willette Benford
Live Free Chicago
2022 - 2023

Artinese Myrick

Sol Mercado Feliciano

Olinka Delondon Green

Tiara Cooper

Chyna Lopp


Dyanna Winchester

Cinnamon Watts

Tracie D Brown


Desira Brown

Lana Brooks
Power 50
Learn more about how Power 50 supports women of color leaders in their journey toward collective liberation.